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 HOME > products > Processed Glass > Painted Glass

PAINTED GLASS is made by the top quality clear float or ultra clear float glass, through depositing a highly durable and resistant lacquer onto the flat and smooth surface of the glass, then by carefully baking into the furnace which is constant temperature, permanently bonding the lacquer onto the glass. Lacquered Glass has all the features of the original float glass, but also supplies wonderful opaque and colorful decorative application. 
Paint Colors: White, Black, Green, Blue, Blue Green, Grey etc. 
Thickness: 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm etc. 
General size: 1830x2440mm, 2134x3300mm, 2250x3300mm, 2134x3660mm etc
Contemporary colors – our painted glass comprises 12 different colors. There are five light shades available, contrasting with four bold colors and one intense black
Resistance- our painted Glass has a special resistance to humidity making it ideal for use in high humidity rooms such as, kitchens and bathrooms etc
Durability - As the paint is applied to the back of the glass, it is protected from damage, ensuring durability
 The brilliance of the colors within the range is far superior to gloss paints when trying to achieve a stunning affect